I'm trying to get Schedules Direct working with Tvheadend because the OTA EPG is only providing a day or less of data. So I signed up for the seven day trial of Schedules Direct.
Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong or if there is a better solution.
I've tried is running "tv_grab_na_dd --configure", but the perl script is throwing errors. Here's the output. Any help is appreciated.
rasppi@raspberrypi:/usr/bin $ sudo tv_grab_na_dd --version
XMLTV module version 1.0.0
This program version 1.0.0
rasppi@raspberrypi:/usr/bin $ sudo tv_grab_na_dd --configure
using config filename /root/.xmltv/tv_grab_na_dd.conf
Time OFFSET Selection (note: not a timeZONE)
It is better to specify +0000 and let the final application
deal with a local conversion (helps with DST issues), but you
can specify a Time Offset if desired.
+0000 UTC
-0400 Eastern Daylight
-0500 Eastern Standard or Central Daylight
-0600 Central Standard or Mountain Daylight
-0700 Mountain Standard or Pacific Daylight
-0800 Pacific Standard
Timezone offset (+/-####) (+0000)
Schedules Direct registration required in advance.
Sign up at http://www.schedulesdirect.org
(don't forget to add a lineup!)
Username (): deanhill1971
WARNING: Storing the password in the config file is not secure
If password is blank, it will be prompted as needed(more secure)
Unsecured password ('x':delete,default:<keep>,):
Fetching from Schedules Direct Fetched 0 k/bytes in 1 seconds
loading data: ##################################################
NOTE: Your subscription will expire: 2022-09-03T17:56:19Z
Use of uninitialized value $dd_lineup in hash element at /usr/bin/tv_grab_na_dd line 1037.
Use of uninitialized value $dd_lineup in hash element at /usr/bin/tv_grab_na_dd line 1037.
Use of uninitialized value $dd_lineup in sprintf at /usr/bin/tv_grab_na_dd line 1037.
Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at /usr/bin/tv_grab_na_dd line 1037.
Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at /usr/bin/tv_grab_na_dd line 1037.
Use of uninitialized value $dd_lineup in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/bin/tv_grab_na_dd line 1039.
Died at /usr/share/perl5/XMLTV/Ask/Term.pm line 87.
hmmm it certainly should give a better message. I'll take a look at it.
Lineups for the datadirect service are managed on our website. Did you add a lineup there first? If so, what's the lineup.. maybe there's something bad in that data?
If you're using tv_grab_na_dd, your app must just want xmltv format.
tv_grab_zz_sdjson and tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite will use the json service and output xmltv.
hmmm it certainly should give a better message. I'll take a look at it.
FYI.. I have no idea how it's been 10+ years and no one mentioned the poor error handling! Anyway, I've updated tv_grab_na_dd. New version is available at the alpha site, github and will be in the next release.
I was able to successfully run the script from a command line. Unfortunately, despite a lot of research, I wasn't able to figure out how to get tvheadend to get the data from tv_grab_na_dd. The documentation is very spotty.